Det som hänt är så sjukt, så ofattbart
Det är som i en dimma, men ändå så klart
Fredrik "Freddie" Brobeck, nu ett minne blott
Men tack för alla dagar och minnen vi fått
Freddie, så sprudlande, så full av energi
Det är svårt att förstå hur det såhär kunde bli
Allt lidande du gick igenom är i alla fall slut
Du har nu äntligen hittat den friska vägen ut
Och en dag så ses vi, där uppe, igen
Vi glömmer dig aldrig, älskade vän
Vila i frid
John, don't shut your eyes, ‘cause there's so much left to see.
I don't want you to go anywhere, ever, without me.
John, don't close your heart, ‘cause there's so much left to feel.
You know that I'll do anything for it to you
Sunshine is fading out, my sunshine - stop shutting down.
They say it's for the best, that you should go to rest.
But they never mentioned anything of the only one that's left.
We never ending tears, there's no more time for goodbye-kissing.
Together all these years, now half of me is missing.
Sunshine is fading out, my sunshine - stop shutting down.
So John, he shuts his eyes, says there's nothing left to see.
We may not be together, but it's always you and me.